This AI powered chatbot can help you with ideas for your promoting your business and advertising your business should consider. It does not write blogs, or website content.  If you clear the chat and ask your first question a second time, you will get a different answer which may be helpful.

**Note: The more detail you provide the better the answers especially about your target market.

Promotion and Advertising

The goal of promotion is to answer the question, “How do I get my business in front of my ideal customers?” Advertising is the process of paying a media channel or firm to place advertisements in front of your target market.

You’ve found out who your ideal customers are, what motivates them, and what pictures, colors, typefaces, and so on will appeal to them by conducting marketing research and branding. Promotion is now the use of that information to get people to know who you are or to make sales.

4 core elements of every promotion: 

Target market – To whom is this promotion aimed? During the market research stage, this should have been identified.

Message – What message do I wish to convey throughout this promotion? In general, this should be defined during the branding stage.

Location/channel – Where will you promote, online or offline? Market research should have provided you with ideas.

Production – When determining the specifics for this campaign, consider artwork, video, a specific message, and copy.

4 types of promotions and goals of each:

Market Research – has the goal of learning more about potential target markets. This can be done by testing responses to different ads, or it could be setting up a booth with quick surveys for entries to gain valuable knowledge.

Chatbot Question Examples:

  • I have [product or service] business, and I want to do a market research promotion to [target market demographics] that value [target market psychographics]. Give me some ideas of how I can do that?

Brand Awareness – is advertising that has the goal of getting your target market to know that my business exists, what my brand is about, and to build trust.  This is things like sponsoring an event, donating to a charity, sitting on a charity’s board.  Running advertising that hints at what you do, but is focused on promoting the psychographics of your target market.

Chatbot Question Examples:

  • I have [product or service] business, and I want to do a brand awareness promotion to [target market demographics] that value [target market psychographics]. Give me some ideas of how I can do that?
  • I want to do a brand awareness promotion. What are some events that people in [target market demographics] that value [target market psychographics] might go to?
Direct Marketing – has one of two goals:  get leads to follow up or make a sale. The ultimate goal is always around making a sale.  Direct marketing also has a fifth core element: an offer (what are they buying).  The offer is often as critical as any other core elements to the success of a direct marketing campaign.

Chatbot Question Examples:

  • How do I do direct marketing to get leads for my [description of business] for [target market demographics] who [target market psychographics]?
  • How do I do direct marketing to make sales for my [description of business] for [target market demographics] who [target market psychographics]?
Grow Market Size – advertising to engage a new market, engage a future market, or where education is needed before people can buy.  A great example is Home Depot’s “Little Builders” Saturday workshops.  To get the next generation of buyers connected to their business.  If you are doing something new and unique that no one else is doing, then you may need to educate your target market in order to grow your market.

Chatbot Question Examples:

  • I have [product or service] business, I want to advertise to [psychographic], how do I do a grow market size promotion?
  • I have a [description of business] business, that sells to [target market demographics] who value [target market psychographics]; I want to use a grow market size promotion with education as a way to build my target market, can you give me some ideas that I might teach about?
Disclaimer: The below chatbot uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT and can make errors and make up facts, so please double check factual information you receive from it, and let us know, if there are errors.